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2013年建筑产品法规 CE认证

浏览次数:215 | 2013-10-17 10:10


  The entry into force of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) changes the way manufacturers, importers and distributors certify construction products. As per 1 July 2013, all construction products that are manufactured to a harmonized European Standard or a European Technical Assessment must contain a CE-mark, and must be accompanied by a Declaration of Performance. The CPR covers the following aspects of product safety:

  Mechanical resistance and stability

  Safety in case of fire

  Hygiene, health and the environment

  Safety and accessibility in use

  Protection against noise

  Energy economy and heat retention

  Sustainable use of natural resources

  Obligations of the Manufacturer

  For purpose of the CPR, manufacturers are natural or legal persons who manufacture a construction product or who have such a product designed or manufactured, and market that product under their name or trademark. Every manufacturer of a construction product that is covered by a harmonized standard must draw up a Declaration of Performance. This Declaration must contain information about the product performance in relation to its essential characteristics, and is based on the technical documentation of the product. By drawing up the Declaration of Performance, the manufacturer assumes responsibility for the conformity of the construction products with any level or class of performance declared. It is therefore vital that the level and class of performance declared is accurate. Once drawn up, the manufacturer may make the Declaration of Performance available in paper or electronic form, however, a paper copy must be supplied if the recipient requests it. Subject to certain conditions, a manufacturer may also make the Declaration of Performance available through a web-site.

  Unlike a Declaration of Performance, a CE marking must be visibly and legibly affixed to the product, followed by a type, batch or serial number. Where it is not possible to affix the CE marking to the product, it must be affixed to the packaging or accompanying documents. The CE marking must be affixed before the product is placed on the market.

  In addition to drawing up a Declaration of Performance and affixing the CE marking, manufacturers must ensure that the product is accompanied by instructions and safety information in a language determined by the Member State concerned which can be easily understood by users. Furthermore, manufacturers must ensure that the series production line maintains the declared performance through regular inspection and sample testing.

  Certification Experts can carry out the complete certification to ensure that you as the manufacturer are in full compliance with the Construction Products Regulation.


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